Google Analytics Luncurkan Fitur Real-Time dan Perkenalkan Akun Premium

Google Analytics Luncurkan Fitur Real-Time dan Perkenalkan Akun Premium . Bila sobat yang terbiasa dengan angka-angka dan statistik yang ditampilkan oleh Google Analytics tentunya kini semakin bertmbah terpana ,kenapa ? Alasannya adalah ketika mereka mengeluarkan fitur Real-Time. Setiap data yang ditampilkan akan berbasiskan apa yang terjadi saat itu juga. Misalnya Anda membuat suatu konten dan menyebarkannya melalui situs-situs sosial media, Anda akan dapat langsung melihat hasilnya dengan cepat dan mengetahui sarana penyebaran mana yang paling berpengaruh, apakah Facebook, Twitter, ataupun yang lainnya.
Sayangnya Real-Time belum tersedia penuh sekarang ini. Beberapa dari Anda yang beruntung akan melihat menu New Version di dashboard Anda. Fitur ini akan tersedia untuk semua orang dalam beberapa minggu lagi. Jika ingin mencobainya sekarang, silakan mencoba peruntungan Anda untuk meminta early access di sini Siapa tahu beruntung mencicipinya terlebih dahulu.
Selain fitur Real-Time, Google Analytics akan memulai layanan berbayarnya yang disebut Google Analytics Premium. Kelebihan yang ditawarkan oleh akun Premium ketimbang yang reguler adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Extra processing power – increased data collection, more custom variables and downloadable, unsampled reports
  • Advanced analysis – attribution modeling tools that allow you to test different models for assigning credit to conversions
  • Service and support – experts to guide customized installation, and dedicated account management on call – all backed by 24/7 support
  • Guarantees - service level agreements for data collection, processing and reporting
Pihak Google Analytics Team tidak memberikan informasi berapa biaya tahunan yang dikenakan untuk akun Premium ini secara eksplisit. Sayangnya layanan tersebut belum akan bisa dinikmati di Indonesia karena baru akan diterapkan di tiga negara, Amerika Serikat, Kanada, dan Inggris.
Oke kita tunggu di Indonesia...

What’s happening on your site right now?

What’s happening on your site right now ?.The web is getting faster, and not just the speed of the pages, but also the speed of change. Before, it was fine to build a website and modify it only when new products were launched. All of us avid Analytics users know that’s just not good enough. We need to be constantly on the lookout for problems and opportunities.

Currently, Google Analytics does a great job analyzing past performance. Today we’re very excited to bring real time data to Google Analytics with the launch of Google Analytics Real-Time: a set of new reports that show what’s happening on your site as it happens.

Measuring social media impact
One way that I like to use these reports is to measure the immediate impact of social media. Whenever we put out a new blog post, we also send out a tweet. With Real-Time, I can see the immediate impact to my site traffic.

For example, last week we posted about the latest episode of Web Analytics TV and also tweeted about the post. By campaign tagging the links we shared, we could see how much traffic each channel is driving to the blog as it happened. We could also see when we stopped receiving visits from the tweet, which helps know when to reengage.

Campaign measurement
Another way I’m using Real-Time is to make sure campaign tracking is correctly implemented before launching a campaign. When getting ready to launch a new campaign it’s critical to make sure your measurement plan is working before you start driving visitors to the page. With the Real-Time reports you can find out in seconds whether you’re getting the data you want in Google Analytics.

Accessing Real-Time
You’ll find the Real-Time reports only in the new version of Google Analytics. If you’re not already using the new version, you can start by clicking the “New Version” link in the top right of Google Analytics. Real-Time reports are in the Dashboards tab (though they will move to the Home tab in the updated interface next week) . You will have access to Real-Time reports if you are an Administrator on your Analytics account, or if you have access to a profile without profile filters. Real-Time does not support profile filters.

We just turned the reports on for a number of you, and over the coming weeks, everyone will have access to Real-Time. If you can’t wait, sign up for early access here: We’d love to hear about how you are using (or planning to use) Real-Time, so please share in the comments.

Google Analytics Adds Real-Time Traffic Data

Google Analytics Adds Real-Time Traffic Data for the first time is providing a window into real-time web traffic with Google Analytics Real-Time.
Real-Time reports are available in the new version of Google Analytics, and administrators with Analytics accounts will get Real-Time reports. Google turned the new feature on Thursday for “a number of you,” John Jersin, product manager at Google Analytics wrote on the Google Analytics blog.

For users trying to gauge how a campaign or post is performing, Real-Time will track the immediate impact to site traffic. If a user posts something and then tweets about it, for instance, Real-Time will track when traffic from the tweet stops driving visits.

Google isn’t the first company to offer such data. Woopra, Chartbeat and a number of other tools also provide data in real time. But unlike some of those, Google’s will be free.
Speaking of which, Google also rolled out Google Analytics Premium, the first paid Google Analytics product. Perks for the service include extra processing power, advanced analysis and 24/7 support. Google did not disclose pricing for that product.

10 Tips for Posting on Your Brand’s Facebook Page

10 Tips for Posting on Your Brand’s Facebook Page.Ekaterina is a social media strategist at Intel. She is a part of Intel’s Social Media Center of Excellence and is responsible for company-wide social media enablement and corporate social networking strategy.
Once your brand is on Facebook, the question becomes: How you engage those fans and sustain a meaningful online dialogue with your customers. Facebook fans will only want to engage with us if we serve up relevant content and truly participate. We also forget about EdgeRank — Facebook’s News Feed algorithm that helps display “relevant” stories. The News Feed only displays a small subset of stories generated by the friends and brands users engage with the most. The more popular your story, the more likely it is to show up in people’s News Feed. News Feed optimization becomes as important as your content strategy.
Let’s explore ways we can create updates that are optimized for the News Feed and engagement. Below are some dos and don’ts to remember each time you tackle that all-important question, “What should we post to our Facebook Page today?”

1. Don’t Automate Your Status Updates

Don’t automatically feed your blog posts or your Twitter updates into your Page. Often, automated content doesn’t make it into users’ News Feeds. Your fans can also distinguish between “auto” posts and customized ones. For a lot of brand pages, auto posts do not engender engagement.
Don’t share the exact same content across all networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) in exactly the same format. We all understand the value of saving time, but respect your customers enough to manually post customized copy. You will get far better engagement and show your fans you care. Some folks who use Facebook don’t really like Twitter and get irritated when they see hashtags or other Twitter-specific content in their Facebook stream.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Show You’re Human

Thank your fans for their replies and for sharing their opinions with you. From time to time, talk about things other than your products. Wish them happy holidays. Ask them fun questions or to share their personal stories.
If you make a mistake — admit it. Everyone knows you are human, and no one expects you to be perfect. You will actually score points for admitting that instead of trying to hide it.
Don’t be afraid of negative comments or people posting on sensitive topics. You’ll find that most of the time your fans will jump in and defend you or address these comments for you. And that carries much more weight than you trying to chime in. And at the end of the day, this is your opportunity to turn haters into loyalists by providing timely responses and great customer service.

3. Do Post More Photos and Videos

Media like videos and photos always perform well on Facebook. Not only do they seem to be a favorite of the News Feed algorithm, but they just grab people’s attention in a feed full of text updates. A lot of web users choose to watch more than they read.
Facebook also offers you a nice little feature that helps bring more fans to your Page. If you post a video and a non-fan of your Page sees it, a little non-intrusive call to action will pop up in the top-left corner that invites them to Like your Page.

4. Do Put Your Fans in Charge Every Now and Then

Not afraid to crowdsource? Your Facebook Page is a perfect place for it. Not only will your fans feel valued and heard, but some of their decisions might help your content strategy in the long run. Let’s face it — sometimes we don’t always make choices that resonate with our customers.
My favorite example of this was Budweiser. They let their fans choose the commercial that would run during the 2010 Super Bowl.

5. Do Target Your Status Updates

If you are a global brand, make good use of targeting. We sometimes forget that not all of our fans want to know about campaigns or contests we are running in a specific region or country. Target your updates by country or language as necessary. In the U.S. you can even target by state and city.

6. Do Ask Questions and Involve Your Fans

Want your fans to express their views on a topic? Ask them. Want your fans to share their favorite content with you? Ask them. Want your fans to share your content? Ask them. You get the point.
If you want your fans to participate more, just ask them every now and then, you will be surprised how many of them respond. Multiple experiments by other brands and yours truly show that the posts where you include a call to action get better than average engagement.

7. Do Watch Your Post Frequency and Timing

Don’t overwhelm your fans with too many posts. I suggest posting once a day to start with and potentially moving to twice a day, especially if you have great news to share. As far as timing goes, many people catch up on their Facebook activity at the end of the day and during weekends. However, this trend varies, and might be different for your target audience. Be patient, watch the response trends on your Page, and identify the frequency and timing that works best for you.

8. Do Have a Unique Voice

It is important to know your voice. Skittles does a good job maintaining a consistent brand voice on their Facebook Page. It’s entertaining, funny and refreshing.
That is not to say that you shouldn’t experiment and step outside your comfort zone to see what else might work for you. Find a voice and tone that is representative of your brand and yourself.

9. Do Diversify Your Content

Change up your content every now and then. Often, people are not sure what to post on a regular basis. You could try adding how-tos, trivia about your company, breaking news, polls, fill-in-the-blanks, relevant third-party content, multimedia, or even experts to speak about your field or business.

10. Do Track the Performance of Your Posts

Do you know your average number of comments and Likes per post? Watch for trends on your Page and feedback from your consumers on topics/programs/discussions and adjust your content strategy appropriately. Don’t become complacent.
Hopefully these tips will help you gain an edge on EdgeRank, and put your brand on top.
Good luck!

Trik Auto Share Posting Blogspot Ke Facebook,Twitter Dan Social Media

Trik Auto Share Posting Blogspot Ke Facebook , Twitter Dan Social Media Lainnya.Untuk mendatangkan trafik yang lebih banyak ke blogspot anda, tentunya bisa dengan Cara melakukan pengiriman Postingan Blogspot Ke Facebook Secara Otomatis istilah lainnya import blogspot ke facebook.
Meskipun nantinya link blog kita yang terdapat di dalam facebook bukanlah link dofollow, namun akan lebih banyak mendatangkan pengunjung ke blog anda setiap harinya. Hasilnya, blog anda akan makin dikenal di dumay alias dunia maya tentunya selain melalui Ping Automatis.

Bahasan kali ini mungkin bukan sepenuhnya yang terbaik namun setidaknya bisa memberikan agar orang melihat apa yang kita tulis pada blog kita .Cara-cara ini hanya sebagian kecil cara untuk import artikel blogspot ke facebook. Tentunya masih banyak cara yang lainnya, semua tergantung kreatifitas anda. Selamat mencoba, dan semoga bermanfaat. .Adapun beberapa langkah yang biasanya saya lakukan adalah:

Membuat Catatan atau Note
Untuk membuat catatan ini, anda harus mempunyai sebuah halaman fans page. Isi sebuah artikel dalam catatan tersebut, kemudian anda tinggal menambahkan feed blog anda kedalam catatan tersebut. Maka setiap anda update artikel, otomatis catatan anda juga terupdate dari feed blog anda.

Gunakan aplikasi import rss to facebook
Aplikasi ini akan mempermudah anda untuk melakukan import feed blog anda ke facebook. Aplikasi yang bisa anda gunakan seperti, RSS Grafiti, Blog RSS Feed Reader, Social RSS.

Bergabung dengan NetworkedBlogs
NetworkedBlogs adalah semacam directory submit blog yang terdaapt di facebook. NetworkedBlogs juga menyediakan fasilitas untuk import blogspot ke facebook.
Caranya share postingan blog ke facebook otomatis seperti ini :

1. Anda harus sudah mempunyai akun facebook dan akun

2. Login ke akun
Pada dashboard, klik add network
Kemudian facebook page, klik add network, lalu anda tekan connect with facebook. 
Anda berikan centang, pada pilihan yang tersedia dan save setting.    

3. Kembali ke dashboard, pada bagian Services / Tools, klik RSS Feeds, lalu masukkan feed blog anda. Jangan lupa tekan add feed   

4. Anda lihat hasilnya sendiri. Setiap kali anda update artikel, maka postingan tersebut akan muncul pada facebook anda.

Selain di facebook, anda juga bisa menambahkan twitter atau social media yang lainnya. Anda tinggal masukkan setiap akun social media anda kedalam ini. Semoga bermanfaat  

Cara Membuat Ping Otomatis Blogspot

Cara Membuat Ping Otomatis Di Blogspot kini dapat dilakukan tentunya menggunakan FeedBurner . Tujuan dan Maksud menggunakan Ping Otomatis ini adalah agar mempercepat artikel dalam blogpsot anda cepat terindex oleh Google atau search engine lainnya. Dengan adanya index cepat google melalui ping otomatis blogspot ini, harapannya informasi yang anda sampaikan mampu dengan cepat dilacak oleh orang lain melalui search engine.

Cara index cepat melalui ping otomatis di blogspot ini cukup mudah. Anda bisa gunakan layanan feedburner google untuk melakukan ini. Ikuti langkah tips berikut ini :

  1. Masuk ke Jika anda belum membuat feed di feedburner, silahkan anda buat terlebih dahulu dengan melakukan klik pada Claim your feed now di sebalah kiri halaman depan feedburner dan ikuti saja langkahnya.
  2. Pada halaman pilih feed title blog anda.
  3. Tekan tab Publicize, dan pada kolom service di sidebar kiri pilih PingShot dan tekan tombol active. Dengan status aktif, maka setiap anda melakukan publish artikel di blogspot, maka feedburner akan otomatis melakukan ping terhadap layanan web berbasis feed agregator.
 Web feed aggregator yang terhubung dengan feedburner ini bisa kamuSobat  lihat di Cicklet Cooser. Sialahkan kamu tambahkan widget di blogspot, jika kamu inginkan. Semakin banyak feed kamu cepat masuk kedalam feed aggregator tersebut, maka akan semakin mempercepat index google juga..itupun katanya.. 
Dan Untuk melihat Web Feed Agregator Yang Terhubung semisal :

Google's 13Th Birthday Google Doodle (27 September 2011)

Google's 13Th Birthday Google Doodle (27 September 2011).Today is the 27th September, 2011 and a very special day for all internet users specially those who love and use Google products. It’s the 13th Birthday of Google and they have decorated their Homepage with a very special Google Doodle. Read the interesting details after the jump. Google has a tradition of making cool and amazing Logos for its homepage on events and today its the birthday of Google itself. Today’s Google Doodle for Google’s 13th Birthday is full of joy, fun and happiness.
  1. The Doodle is fully loaded with 
  2. Cake, Candles, 
  3. Birthday Caps (G O O G L E are wearing), 
  4. Balloons and 
  5. Gifts.
Happy 13th Birthday to Google from Us  [ Dangstars Weblog And Visittor ]

How To Find Good Keywords For Your Blog

How To Find Good Keywords For Your Blog

I have previously written an introduction to the keyword research which covered the basics of keyword research, how to do it and what kind of keywords you should look for with your research.
The keyword research primer post also introduced the Google Keyword Tool for those who are unfamiliar with it and the basic concepts like keyword density and keyword phrase. This post builds on the foundation of the first post and gives a second look on keyword research.

After reading this post, you'll know how to find good keywords and how keyword research is used to find those good keywords and phrases for search engine optimization, SEO, which you can use to drive traffic to your blog or other site you want to promote. Using keyword research and SEO to get traffic is called Search Engine Marketing, SEM.

What the-- Keyword Research?

Keyword research is a practice used by search engine optimization professionals to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines when conducting a search. -Wikipedia
The main purpose of keyword research is to find good keywords and keyword phrases that people are searching for and are related to the topic of your blog, with the intention to utilize those words to attract search engine traffic.
Using different tools, like the free Google Keyword Tool, keyword research is done to look for search terms that are related to your blog and topic(s) you're covering. Using the tools you can dig deeper into the topic to find keywords and phrases that have good keyword characteristics (more about that in just a second) and specific (so whoever finds your site with those words will very likely find what she searches and stay).
When doing a keyword research, you can either
  • look for one good keyword phrase you can use in a blog post, or
  • do larger research looking for a list of keywords and phrases you can use on your blog over time.

Keyword Characteristics

In short, there are three characteristics that can be used to evaluate keywords and keyword phrases
  • search volume
  • competition
  • advertiser interest

Average Monthly Search Volume

Search volume is a simple concept. You'll be looking how many people enter that keyword into the search engine every month (on average).
Search volume is often best evaluated at the monthly level, but looking at the daily search volume can give you an estimate how much daily traffic potential that keyword or keyword phrase has.
When looking for the monthly search volumes, look for broad match numbers, as you want to know the maximum potential the keyword or phrase has.

The Number of Competing Websites

Keyword Competition is about checking how many competing websites there are for that keyword.
Deeper keyword competition analysis takes a look at how many "serious" competitors that keyword has, e.g. sites and pages that have been fully or partly optimized for that keyword or phrase.
For the basic competition check, use a phrase match, putting the phrase in quotes and do a search with the term to see how many results come up.

Advertiser Competition

Advertiser interest (or commercial value estimate) show if the keyword is interesting to the advertisers. For example, the Google Keyword Tool shows the level of advertiser competition for a word, meaning how many and how much advertising is done on that keyword or phrase.
High advertiser competition means that there are many advertisers doing pay-per-click advertising for that keyword and low competition means that there are only a few or no advertisers spending money on that keyword on the search engine.
Of the three characteristics, advertiser competition is the one that offers additional information that can tell if a keyword or phrase is particularly interesting. And if you're looking monetize your blog with AdSense, the advertiser competition and average cost per click for the word become very important.
On this post, we won't be looking much on the advertiser competition, but more so on the search volume and competition numbers.

What Kind of Keywords To Look For?

In short, high search volume, low competition. Or at least, avoid low search volume, high competition keywords and phrases.
And speaking of phrases, as I pointed out in the keyword research primer, it is often good (read: easier) to go after keyword phrases that have enough search volume and relatively low competition.
If you'd be building a blog or website about golf, it would not be very wise to start competing for the keyword "golf", for various reasons, but to name a few:
  • one word is rarely specific enough for you to know that the searcher wants
  • one word can and is often part of a phrase which changes the meaning
    • e.g. "golf bag" vs. "Volkswagen Golf" (that's a car, just in case you don't know)
  • one word is used in so many websites, that there's very little change that you'll get any traffic from it any time soon, if ever
You can start looking for the keywords with one word, but when picking the keywords, pick search phrases with at least two words in them, preferably more.
The longer the phrase, the lower the search volume, but on the hand, the phrase will be more specific and targeted and very likely has much less competition.
So now we know that we should be looking for high search volume, low competition keyword phrases.

What Kind of Search Volume I Should Look For?

You look for as high search volume as possible, but to narrow the search a bit, it's best to leave really high volume keywords out of your list (or use them to find longer, more targeted phrases).
As a rule, a keyword phrase you plan to do more time-consuming optimizing or targeting should have at least a thousand searches per month. Going below the thousand searches per month line will mean that you will be spending time (or money) for little results.
When looking for keywords to target, but not do excessive optimizing for, you can look for phrases with search volumes starting from 300 or so, but of course higher the better.

Good Keywords Have Low Competition

The competition is a bit trickier, but as a basic rule, low competition phrase is something that has less than ten thousand competing websites for it, phrase match (the searching with the keyword phrase in quotes).
If a phrase is relevant to your blog and topic and has less than 10000 competing websites with phrase match put that phrase on your keyword list no matter what the search volume is.
If there is even a little bit of search volume for that word, you can use at some point, but of course focusing on the most potential traffic generating keyword phrases first.

Putting It All Together

  • Use Google Keyword Tool to find phrases relevant to your niche
  • Keep the match type as "broad" to see the maximum traffic potential
  • Search for the phrase in Google
  • Use quotes to get phrase match
With the above we have some basic rules we can use for keyword research and quick competition analysis:
  • search volume at least 1000 (300+) a month
  • less than 10000 competing websites (lower the better)
In real world, finding these kinds of words can be tough, especially in the more competitive markets, so if you can't seem to find phrases with low enough competition you'll have to work harder to get ranked for that word, or dig deeper into lower volume words and use those.
For an individual blog post, you can (and should) target keyword phrases with search volume in the 300-1k range in your posts. If the competition is very low, even better (as long as the keyword actually has some kind relevance and means something).
By targeting a low competition and low search volume phrase, you can get results without extensive SEO, link building and other activities like that, so ranking an individual post for a phrase can be done by just using that word.

Good Keywords = Traffic

To summarize the first step into the world of keyword research and using the keyword phrases found for search engine optimization:
  • Finding good keywords (300+ search volume per month and less competing websites the better, preferably < 10000) and
  • using those keywords in your post title and title tag for that post/page.
Looking at both search volume and keyword competition, there is nothing wrong with taking a keyword with search volume of 300 or so, if it's very relevant to your blog and niche AND it has very little competition.
Good keywords have the potential to bring you traffic with very little investment.
And all traffic you get from search engines like this if FREE (apart from the time / money spent on finding the good keywords)

Small (Traffic) Numbers Add Up

When you get to the top of the search engine result pages (SERP) for that phrase, you'd be getting decent traffic from it every day, which can add up nicely over time. Add 100 posts like that and you'll be getting somewhere with that traffic alone (especially as search engines are not the only source of traffic as you know).
As you do a proper keyword research and come up with a list of keyword phrases like this and use them when planning your blog posts, putting the phrase in the post title (and title tag manually or with a plugin), you'd be doing more than your average blogger out there.
When your researched keyword list is filled with low competition phrases that have enough search volume, over time those posts will pile up and that 5 visitors per day for a post will soon be 50+ when you have ten posts up.

Further Reading

Questions, comments, feedback?

As this is one huge topic to cover this article only covered the basics, but even the basics will get you far if you put some time into it.
There's always the possibility to hire someone else do this for you and outsource the whole keywords research and search engine optimization part of blogging, but doing keyword research and bit of SEO yourself will make you realize that it isn't that hard and seeing search engine traffic grow after doing little bit of work is a great feeling.
Because of that, I wrote this post and as I've learned a whole lot about the subject over the years, I'll be happy to answer your questions if you have any...
Source :   

Search Engine Optimization Tutorial

Search Engine Optimization Tutorial.Discover the black magic of keyword research and search engine optimization and start driving traffic to your blog! I'll tell you a secret: it's not magic, it's definitely not black magic and it's a lot simpler than you think, if you haven't looked into it before. Keyword research is kind of science, but don't be afraid, the first steps are as easy as using a search engine.
Read on and I'll show you the basics of keyword research and get you started!

What is Keyword Research?

With keyword research, we're trying to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines when conducting a search.
When you type something to a search engines, like Google, you are searching by using keywords, for example you might search "cute kitten pictures" - cute, kitten and pictures all being keywords that the search engine tries to find from websites to determine whether or not the web page is relevant to your search. Using a complicated process, the search engine determines which of the web pages it knows, is the most relevant for you and shows it as number one result.
Keyword research is done to find the keyword popularity for relevant keywords with a purpose of identifying the best keywords to target for high search engine rankings.
Keyword / Key Phrase: The word or phrase that a user enters into a search engine, used in searches trying to find a specific target.
Keyword Density: The more times that a given word, words or phrases appears on your page (within reason), the more weight that word is assigned by the search engine when that word matches a keyword search done by a search engine user.
Search engine. A web search engine examines websites on the Internet in order to provide a catalog of information contained on those websites. There are two primary types of search engines: search engines and search directories. Search engines, such as Google, send out robots or spiders to index your website, after which your site is evaluated and cataloged in the search engine. With directories, such as Mahalo, Yahoo and LookSmart, human editors review most websites material and catalog it in the directory.

How Keyword Research Can Help Your Blog or Website?

When you write your own content to a web page or a blog, the words in the text you write are crawled by the search engines and stored into their database. For your site to be found from a search engine it answers the "question" the searcher "asks" with the search phrase she uses. What this means to you, is that if you're trying to answer a certain question, problem or just deliver news, and you think "how would I search to find this kind of information?" - you have found the essence of keyword research! When you combine the (key)words you think that people are searching for and target your text on that, you're forming phrases.
As you start using tools to determine if your assumptions are correct or not, you will try to find the what people are actually using to search - which is through phrases (you don't find very relevant results by just searching "cat" if your looking for "kitten pictures", right?). If you have created a post about cute kitten pictures, you could check how often people search for using these phrases:
  • "cute kitten"
  • "cute kittens"
  • "cute kitten pictures"
  • "kitten pictures"
  • "kitten pics
  • "cat pics"
  • "cute cat"
  • "cute cat pictures"
  • "cat pictures"
Google is the most important search engine, so it makes sense to concentrate on that at the start. To do keyword research on Google, head to the Google Keyword Tool.

The keyword tool looks like this:
google keyword tool Keyword Research Tutorial
Google Keyword Tool
You will ad the keywords you want to search for in the text field ("Enter one keyword or phrase per line: "), enter the CAPTCHA (the weird looking letters are used to stop automated scripts to abuse the system) and hit "get keyword ideas".
And you'll get results for the keywords and phrases you entered and additional, related keyword ideas..
google keyword tool keyword research results Keyword Research Tutorial
Google Keyword Research Results
google keyword tool keyword ideas Keyword Research Tutorial
Google Keyword Tool and Keyword Ideas
Here we see that on average, 5400 searches are made monthly for the phrase "cute kitten pictures".
After finding the approximate search volumes, the other thing you can consider is how many sites the search engine finds with that term, to check "the competition" if you will.

Search Engine Results for Chosen Keywords

One target of keyword research is to find the best keywords for your article, blog post, or the whole website or blog. One strategy in this is to target High Search Volume - Low Competition keywords. Which means that a lot of people search with those keywords and phrases (over 1000 searches a month is "a lot" in this context), but there are not too many websites that pop-up in the search engine with that exact term. The difference between a keyword, phrase and exact match is very important..
For example, at the time of writing this, Google finds:
  • 736,000,000 pages for keyword cat
  • 24,500,000 pages for keyword kitten
  • 12,200,000 pages for keywords kitten pictures
  • 6,470,000 pages for keywords cute kitten pictures
..that's a lot of pages, right?
So it would be very hard to get your content into the top results, so people would find it. Just think how often you go beyond the first page of search results - not very often right?
With Search Engine Optimization (SEO), we try to get our pages on the FIRST page. Against millions of pages it is not impossible, but it is very difficult. So we're better of trying a different route at the beginning, and shoot for the exact matches and search for the phrases by placing quotes (e.g. "cute kitten pictures") on the keywords we're using, as most search engines value the exact match very high, so a page with exact match to the search term has higher chance to end up on top.
Let's see how many results we get phrasing the keywords we used in the above example:
  • 83,600 for a phrase "kitten pictures"
  • 15,100 for a phrase "cute kitten pictures"
..sound a LOT more achievable right? Competing against 15000 pages is actually really easy, compared to competing with millions of pages.
If we look at the search volume we found from Google Keyword Tool for "cute kitten pictures", we see that it was 5400. So on average, 5400 searches are made monthly for "cute kitten pictures" and there's only 15000+ pages that are exact match for that term, which makes this a great search term for your to "target" with your cat blog. Note that this example is actually a bit tricky as it includes "pictures" and we didn't take a look at the image results, but still provides you an example of what keyword research is about.
I hope you found this tutorial useful. If you have any questions, use the comments below and speak your mind.

You have done your Keyword Research, and now you should utilize that information. You can use the keywords in your advertising campaign and the text links in those, and you can start optimizing your blog or spesific blog post for the keywords you found. Thus, you enter the world of Search Engine Optimization, SEO. The main purpose of SEO is to get Search Engine Traffic, which can be seen as a free way to driving traffic to your blog after it's done once.
Let's see what you can do with the list of keywords you have..

From Keyword Research Into Search Engine Optimization

You can use the information you found on the keywords and phrases to do optimization of your blog posts or articles in your website. To summarize, you would include the best search phrases and keywords you've found in your article, with the best being high search volume and low competition, as that is a great starting point. This is called Search Engine Optimization, SEO.
With SEO, you would try to optimize the text for specific terms, keywords and phrases you want (the ones you found by doing keyword research). You must first consider your readers and keep the text natural. Second, pay attention to the total number of keyword occurrences on a page versus total number of words, known as Keyword Density. Most experts agree that 4-8% should be the maximum keyword density, but the specific percentage is not important at start, just remember to avoid going too far and fill the page with certain keyword.

Simple Search Engine Optimization for a Blog Post

First, do keyword research and try to find the best keywords and phrases for your post. If your post answers a certain question or offers a solution to a specific problem. Start by thinking what phrases would you use if you would have the same problem, use the keyword search tools to find the related terms, refine the terms until you find a list of keywords and phrases that you could use in your article.
Then if you want, check the competition for those words by looking how many results search engine finds for the exact match of the search terms, by using quotes around the terms, e.g. "how to fix my car". Choose the best keywords and phrases from your list, pick 1-12 and go with those. Take 1-3 of the keywords and phrases as main words, try to use them as the title and headers in addition to the text, and use the rest in the article text, but not in the headers or title.
Keep the list of keywords you have, and re-use the keywords in different posts and articles you write. Target different keywords in different blog posts and link to the other articles by using the main phrase or keyword of the target article.
Basic SEO principles for writing a blog post or article:
  • Write your post naturally first, without thinking about keywords or SEO
  • After the text is nearly done, read it through and see if you can replace some words or phrases with the keywords you found
    • warning! don't go overboard and fill the whole text with the keywords, as this is known as keyword stuffing
    • You might get penalized by search engines for keyword stuffing, and most of all, you'll drive away YOUR READERS.
  • Use the good keyword phrases you found as headers in the text if applicable (using H1, H2, H3 html tags)
  • Use the best keyword phrase you found in the title of your post (at the top, H1 tag).
Short Version of the Keyword Research and SEO Tutorial:
  • look for natural search phrases that you think people use
  • use keyword search tools to determine the best keywords
  • refine and find the best phrases using the search tools
  • write your text for the readers
  • see if there is room for the keywords you found
  • use the phrases as headlines and title if they fit naturally
Targeting these kind of keywords and phrases gets you going and targeting the high competition keywords comes later, as when shooting for the high competition keywords, the importance of keywords and phrases go down and the importance of popularity of your site goes up (simplifying the matter).
The basic SEO is quite simple as explained in this tutorial, but there's huge amount of information available on the subject if you want to know more, and all you have to do is search for it. Whatever you find first in the search engine is probably good, as SEO related terms are the most competitive keywords..
Source :  

How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts

How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts

Discover how to write SEO friendly blog posts that will drive free traffic to your site for years to come - Simple guidelines you can easily apply to all blogs
Would you spend 1-2 minutes more on a blog post that will be online for years, to drastically improve the chances of that post bringing you free traffic from the search engines without you lifting a finger? If you do, read on. If you think SEO is hard and there's something fishy about it, don't read this and others will get your traffic.
Still here? Good.
The previous post covered foundation for blog SEO, the blog and theme setup. This post will go into the every day on-page SEO and how to write posts that will rank high in the search engines.
It is much simpler than you think it is. There are two things that go into writing a SEO friendly blog post:
  • The first part is writing a unique, original post that has some value, whether it helps a reader solve a problem or gives them great information on a subject, makes them laugh or whatever.
  • The second part, SEO if you will, is helping the search engines to put your post in front of people who are looking for that exact information.

SEO Writing for Beginners

Good writing begins with the title. It continues on to getting the attentions of the reader with great first paragraph. And the rest of the post follows through delivering what the headline and first paragraph promised. The whole text is easy to read and the same things are not repeated too much.
Search engine optimization of your posts is not any different. With these three things, you don't even have to think you're doing any "optimization", you're just writing great content. The only exception is if you decide to find good keywords and include specific keyword phrase in this, but apart from that, you'll be golden with these:
  1. write a magnetic headline for your post
    • include the main keyword phrase for the page into the title (if in any way plausible)
    • when you have proper settings on your theme and plugins, the headline will automatically be your title tag
    • if you do this alone, you've done most of the SEO you have to do - everything else is optional
  2. continue the message of the headline in the beginning of your article
    • first paragraph, and the first 50-100 words
    • in addition to your headline, the beginning of the post has to capture the attention of the reader
    • make sure the keyword phrase you're targeting is included in the beginning
  3. be careful with your keyword use and number of repetitions
    • don't repeat the same words or phrase too many times
    • in addition to title tag and the headline, main keyword phrase should only be "repeated" 2-3 times, not much more. Once in first paragraph, second time in the last paragraph is good, and perhaps once more in the rest of the text.
    • write naturally, make the text readable.
With the above and the settings covered in the blog SEO -post, you have done most of your on-page SEO. Keep in mind that you are writing for the readers first and search engines second; the headline and beginning of the article are important for both. SEO and writing good copy goes hand in hand in this.
95% (absolute guess) of the bloggers don't pay any attention to their post headlines and titles. You do this and you're already ahead. Do a keyword research that takes 1 minute and include the best keyword phrase in the title and you've done more than 99% of the bloggers out there (again, just a number I made up with no facts backing it up).

Advanced SEO Writing and Tweaks

One part of writing online is linking, so you should learn to do it well and often. It is important to both link and link with relevant keywords as the anchor text. The anchor text is the text which is linked and those words have the highest effect on search engine rankings, especially with links going from site to another (external linking).
To help your readers find additional information and/or check your sources and references, you should do plenty of both internal and external linking. Link out to the sources and references you used, and link to your own posts with related or further information. An online page with no or very few links is unnatural, and search engines will ignore such pages and not rank them high.
Link with good keyphrases related to the post your writing AND the page you are linking to, and always link to sources which search engines see as an authority and trustworthy website. Example: see how I linked on the previous sentence to Wikipedia with anchor text "search engines".
  • linking out: always link out to trusted sources of information as references
    • when you link out to a website which the search engine sees as reliable source of information, an authority site, you will gain a part of that trust when you link to them
  • link out a lot
    • link to other bloggers
    • link to Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo, big news sites, etc.
    • link to pages which already rank high for the related terms
  • internal linking: link back to your own posts
    • use good anchor text on all the links, especially the internal ones
Link to RELATED information, pages you used as references and pages with further information. Your link to the pages is a vote for that page WITH for the keywords in the anchor text. For example, as this post is about writing SEO friendly posts, I'm linking out to other pages about SEO and writing, both internally or externally.
Why? Because online, linking is the natural thing to do.
This helps the search engine understand what the post is about (because you're referencing to all those pages, in addition to what is on post itself). And more importantly, the links will help your readers find more information about related subject if they want to. I like to think that what's good for the people, is good for the search engines as well.
  • anchor texts in links
    • always use relevant keywords when linking
    • even when you "link out", the anchor text affects your on-page SEO
    • internal links on your posts are more important than external links (you linking out to other sites)
    • the anchor text is even more important for the "receiving end", whether it's your own internal page or another website
    • always link with keywords, and don't put the link to "click" or "here".
You should also use sub-headlines when applicable and possibly use related keywords in them.
  • Sub-headlines,


    • For individual post, you'll be using the headline tags between H2 and onwards
    • the post headline is already H1 when you have a SEO friendly theme
    • Include the main keyphrase in the first 1 or 2 subheadlines if it fits in naturally
You should highlight certain words with bolding and italics. This has very little to do with search engines, so use it to make your text more readable and scannable, making it easier for your readers to scan through the text and still get the most important parts.
  • or -tags (bolding) & or (italics)
    • Little significance for SEO, so use these to highlight the important parts of the text for your readers
From these three, anchor texts in links are the most important thing to do (and linking in general). Using sub-headlines and highlighting is a bonus, which you should do if it will make your text easier to read. Bolding and italics have very small effect on the search engine rankings, but it's so small that you don't have to pay attention to it (SEO-wise).

Additional SEO Tweaks to Your Posts

If you want to do a little bit more, it is worth it to develop a SEO routine to make these part of your SEO-process as well, as it doesn't take too much time and most does affect the readability as well:
  • manually edit the post permalink (also called "slug")
    • The URL of a document should be as descriptive and brief as possible.
      • shorten the URL, removing all the a's, and's and the's from the permalink
      • set the post permalink as the main keyword phrase for that article
    • e.g. for this post, instead of the default "writing-seo-friendly-blog-posts", I set the permalink as "seo-friendly-posts".
  • Add ALT-texts for images
    • Always add Alt-text to each and every image
    • You could even install a plugin like SEO friendly images to automate this.
    • Optional: Add descriptive title-attribute to the img-tag.
  • Use clear image file-names
    • Small thing to do when setting images for your blog
    • Instead of uploading images with file name "picture12478.jpg", upload then as "keyword-phrase.jpg"
      • similarly as you edited the permalink url, rename the files before uploading it to the blog
Alt-text is also a requirement for web standards, which makes it even more important. And the alt-texts and image file-names can potentially bring your traffic from the image searches, so this is very important for photobloggers, but every blogger can benefit from. More images and photos you have on your blog and better you optimize the alt-texts and image file-names, more traffic you will get from the image searches.

Meta Description and Keywords for SEO

In addition to writing a good title and content for your post, there's one more thing you need to do. Editing the "meta information" search engines read. With some themes, or plugins, you'll be able to manually edit the meta keywords and description. If your blogging software allows this, you should edit the meta description. Meta keywords you can (and should) safely ignore.
Meta keywords are unnecessary for SEO purposes today, but for historic reasons people still keep updating them "just in case". You don't have to do this. Do not waste one second to meta keywords.
Even if your SEO plugin like All in One SEO Pack has the option to manually enter keywords - don't - you'll be only giving away the keyphrases you're trying to optimize. Let you competition at least work a bit to figure those things out.
While meta description isn't important for search ranking, it is very important because this is the description the users sees in the search engine result pages, along with your title, if the searched keywords or phrase is in the description. This is important, because keywords are bolded on the search engine result pages (SERP), if they match the search query.
Thus, even that it doesn't have any, or very little, effect on the actual ranking, the description is ESSENTIAL in capturing the attention of the potential visitor, by providing enough information about the page in question, for the user to clickthrough to your page.
Your attention-grabbing description should not be no longer than 150-160 characters (so it'll so nicely in all the SERPs). Make it benefit-driven, and it'll double as a good intro / excerpt for the post.


In short, with SEO, you're helping search engines to index your great content better and thus, helping people find the answers they're looking for. Over time, you will start seeing the benefits, even if this is all the SEO you do:
  • Choose one keyphrase you optimize the post for.
  • Optimize your main headlines (H1) and title tags.
  • Write an attention-grabbing, benefit-driven meta description manually for each post
  • Don't waste time on meta keywords
  • Use keywords in the anchor texts and do plenty of internal and external linking
  • Write naturally. People first, search engines second.
  • Don't repeat the keyphrase on the content, 2-3 times is enough:
    • Use the keyphrase in 1-2 subheadlines (not all), depending the length of the post
    • Put the main keyphrase in the beginning and the end of your blog posts
  • Manually set the permalink for each post
  • Use ALT-attribute in all images
The next step is the off-page SEO. As you have optimized your titles, you have already started, because your titles are most often used as anchor text when linking back to you, which is the most important factor for search engine rankings. Now with your homebase organized (on-page SEO), it's time to begin building trust, getting links and climbing on the search engine rankings.
This ends the two-part on-page SEO series. The first part was about blog SEO; blog setup, configuration and SEO friendly themes. This post showed what to do when adding new content, whether it's images or new blog posts.
Source :  

How to Build Your Successful Freelance Writing Career and Quit Your Day Job ?

How to Build Your Successful Freelance Writing Career and Quit Your Day Job ?  Internet has revolutionized business in every way. The business of freelance writing is no different. Today, freelancers can make a living through Internet, by creating content for various freelance websites and independent clients from anywhere in the world. Here we will see various ways writers are earning enough money from the Internet to quit their day jobs.

Part I: Freelance Writing Websites

Writers can start their business and build a portfolio through any of the several freelance writing sites out there. Some of them are reviewed here.

1. Constant-Content

Constant Content is obviously the leader in providing website content to thousands of clients worldwide. Here, writers with some experience can submit content on any topic of their choice and set a fixed price on these articles to sell them to prospective clients. The author earns sixty five per cent of the sale earnings.

If the customers don't find articles they are looking for, they can request for content to the whole writer community or to specific writers (as private requests). Top members of Constant Content earn more than a thousand dollars monthly simply by writing good content. Once an author starts to get private requests, her earnings will skyrocket. 

2.Constant Content-Helps

Constant Content helps you build your freelancing career providing you an online profile in which your entire freelancing history is shown. With the strength of this, you can demand a rise of payment from your prospective clients. Also, CC is very strict in filtering out the best content and their standard is higher than almost all other content providers.


Helium is a freelancer's paradise online. Not only can you submit your well-written content here, but also get paid handsomely for it. Helium is a place where even some of the news media are looking for content. Helium has freelance writing opportunities, partnership programs, and writing contests. The writing contests will fetch you some great amounts of money and exposure if you are lucky enough.

Helium's marketplace for freelance writing is a place to find writing jobs. Websites that look for freelance content publish their projects here and if you write a good content, it will fetch you not only money, but also good exposure.

4. Contribution to Professional Websites

A number of professional websites out there call for contributions from individual users. These include magazines and newspapers as well. There are quite a lot of them in which you can build your freelancing career. More than the money you can make (which is quite a lot), it is the exposure that matters. The exposure a print media publication can give is enormous.

Most of the high-end print publications and online publications require you to query them with your article ideas. Unsolicited submissions usually end up in the slush pile. So, query and follow up their editors professionally. If you are lucky, you will land that job.

5. Freelancing Websites

There are a number of freelancing websites. Here, clients publish writing projects on various topics. Anyone can bid on a particular project and thus compete with other writers. Won projects will earn money for the writers. Collaboration will build a good business for writers as well as clients here, as this is a worldwide marketplace. Here is a list of the freelance websites:

6. Paid Review Blogs

You can have a number of blogging jobs as well. You can get paid to write professional reviews of various products and services on your blog. These reviews might require you to place DoFollow backlinks to the reviewed product's website. Such reviews will earn good amount of money for you. Sites that offer this service are these:

7. Start a Blog and Promote It

If you need a higher chance for landing a freelance professional job, then you can get it easily by starting a blog, and offering to write for money through it. As your blog gets more and more popular, you can increase your price per word. This is a highly transparent way to get clients. Clients can check out your blog and estimate the writing standard before hiring you. And you can get the top clients without any big competition. Promote your writing blog well to land the best jobs.

8. Searching for Jobs

If you are not associated with any of these freelancing sites or don't have a blog, you can still land professional writing jobs. For this, you have to search for them. The best place to find professional writing jobs is, the largest classifieds ads network in the world. Craiglist has a lot of freelance writing listings in them that offer the best price for your writing.

However, building a portfolio as a freelance writer is not possible by writing random projects like this. A number of websites out there post writing jobs, which are usually short term. Most of these jobs are for articles or article packages.

9. Professional Blogging Through Blog Networks

Another great way writers can earn is through professional writing within blog networks and other content writing networks. Here, you have to be proficient in your business before you can apply for a job as a content producer. There are a number of blog networks that offer you great amount of money for your writing. Also, this is the best way to build some online presence as a content producer.

A big advantage of the professional blog network is that these networks can give your blog enormous promotion with the help of professional Search Engine Marketing. Also, your particular blog will get links from other blogs on the network. Altogether even the new blogs on the network will start earning great amounts of money within a short span.

The expertise required by these sites falls in the elite category. A general newcomer is not obviously in demand here. The sites that offer this are the following: About is the second largest content website in the world, after Wikipedia. It is the 81th most trafficked site in the world. Become a guide in on any of the various topics out there, and you can get a minimum of 800 dollars a month. With your popularity and expertise rising, your earnings will rise. There are writers who make over 100,000 dollars a year from About.

451Press: This is a blog network, which concentrates on a number of topics. You can choose a topic and apply for the position of professional blogger. If chosen, you will be paid handsomely for your writing.

Suite101: Another blog network, like 451Press. It is also more popular and larger than 451Press.

B5Media: Started by professional blogger, Darren Rowse, this is a blog network that concentrates on a number of topics. Another blog network. Only US residents can apply to the blogging jobs here.

10. Ad Revenue Share Networks

There are a number of networks out there that share their advertisement revenues with you in exchange for your writing. In these networks, all you need to do is submit your content, optionally well researched for keywords. In the search engine marketing world, content is regarded as King! So, well-written content can drive huge amount of traffic to these articles. Such traffic will earn quite a lot of money. Since your individual advertisements are displayed on these articles, you will get a share of advertisement revenues from these networks. Example of this is Hubpages.

Top members of Hubpages every month get thousands of dollars from Adsense from well-written articles, known as Hubs.

Squidoo Lenses are another option to make money online through ad share.

11. Ebook Publishing and Selling

Publishing an ebook works the best and most profitable if you have an experience in your field of action. You can publish your ebook with several publication systems online. Clickbank is an online retailing company that can sell your electronic products for a minor fee, aside from the affiliate commissions. If your ebook is worthwhile, you sell several of them earning you handsome amounts of money.

Besides Clickbank, you should consider publishing with on-demand publishers like, which is the leader in self-publishing industry.

Part II: Building Online Profile

In order to successfully pull revenues from the Internet through a freelancing career, it is important for you to build an online portfolio. And for this, consistency is very important. Though almost everything you do on the Net is constantly recorded and archived to be made available any time, you should have a record of all this at your fingertips. This can be done only by tracking whatever you do with a personal website, blog, or social networking profile.

All freelancing websites help you build your freelancing career online. These profiles can be shown as a great experience certificate. Here are some tips on building an online portfolio

1. Start a chronology blog: In order to track every step of your progress, start a blog and track every step of your progress within it.

2. Social networking profile: For internet entrepreneurs as well as enthusiasts, a social networking profile is extremely important. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Myspace are unavoidable social networks.

3. Stick with one freelancing site: Building your profile with multiple freelancing website is good. However, it is advised that you give preference to the top freelancing sites only. Having your full-blown profile on one place is easy to show off to your clients. However, when you don't have work on the primary site, you should of course build a profile in other sites.

4. Contributions to the community: You should be contributing well to the freelance writing community. There are a number of forums, social networks, social networking groups, etc., just for freelance writers. From these sites, not only you can land jobs, but also become famous as a trustable content provider.

5. Watch out for villains:
In some forums like the DP forums, there are scammers, who request articles and don't pay the promised amount of money to the writers. You should be well aware of such people and go for an escrow service if possible.


Professional freelancing is all about your writing prowess. If you have good professional writing skills, you will land more jobs than your competitors will. Also, build an online profile early on to showcase your best work. This is the way you will attract great number of clients.

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